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Redensity II (Tear Troughs) - 瑞士熊猫针

30 分鐘140-5611 Cooney Road


一款针对泪沟/眼周特别设计的玻尿酸,专门用来填充眼底凹陷/泪沟,改善视觉上的衰老迹象,特别添加的维C及多种氨基酸可持续淡化黑眼圈8个月,立竿见影一扫眼周疲态。 A specially designed hyaluronic acid for treating tear troughs/eye areas, specifically crafted to fill in under-eye hollows/tear troughs and improve visual signs of aging. Enriched with added Vitamin C and various amino acids, it provides sustained reduction of dark circles for up to 8 months, offering an instant and effective solution to rejuvenate tired-looking eye areas.



140-5611 Cooney Rd, Richmond, BC, Canada

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