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Botulinum Toxin 肉毒注射

Botox® Nuceiva® Dysport®

30 分鐘140-5611 Cooney Road


肉毒注射都有哪些效用呢?除皱针(针对假性皱纹/预防性除皱)、治疗多汗症/狐臭(避免尴尬)、瘦脸(缩小咬肌/改善青蛙腮)、轮廓针(防止颈阔肌牵拉脸下垂)、瘦肩针(延长颈部线条/缓解颈疲劳/消除壮硕颈阔肌)、瘦腿针(让小腿/大腿肌肉线条流畅/视觉纤细) 通常4-6个月逐渐从人体自然代谢,无任何副作用。 What does Botox injection do? These include: Anti-wrinkle injections (for dynamic wrinkles/preventive wrinkle treatment): Help reduce expression lines and dynamic wrinkles while preventing wrinkles caused by skin aging. Hyperhidrosis/Body Odor Treatment: Can reduce excessive sweating or body odor problems without discomfort and embarrassment. Face Slimming: Improve facial symmetry by reducing the size of the masseter muscle, improving over-protruding jawline. Contouring Injections: Helps prevent sagging caused by platysma stretch, maintaining firmer, youthful facial contours. Shoulder Slimming Injections: Elongate the appearance of the neck, relieve neck fatigue, and reduce the appearance of prominent neck muscles. Slimming Leg Injections: Improves calf and thigh muscle contour for a more streamlined, visually elongated appearance. Usually, the effect lasts for 4-6 months and gradually wears off with the body's natural metabolism without any noticeable side effects.



140-5611 Cooney Rd, Richmond, BC, Canada

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