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Tempsure® Vitalia™ - 美国黄金私密修复™2.0

  • 30 分鐘
  • 140-5611 Cooney Road


专利的双极安全私密射频,每次一根18K黄金发射棒,全方位加热阴道内部和外部,刺激粘膜层胶原蛋白再生,更可丰盈外阴部,仅一次治疗即可感受到水润度提升,三次治疗可明显改善紧致度和包裹感,更是私密处最安全的抗衰保养,获得美国FDA和Canada Health双临床认证。 Utilizing patented bipolar safe intimate RF technology, each session involves an 18K gold emission rod that provides comprehensive heating to both the internal and external parts of the vagina. This stimulates collagen regeneration in the mucosal layer and can also enhance the plumpness of the external genitalia. With just one treatment, you can experience increased hydration, while three treatments can significantly improve tightness and overall sensation. It's considered the safest anti-aging maintenance for intimate areas, with clinical certifications from both the US FDA and Canada Health.



140-5611 Cooney Rd, Richmond, BC, Canada

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